Website Security: LiteSpeed Cache Vulnerability

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This week there was new of an unauthenticated user vulnerability in LiteSpeed Cache plugin. First and foremost, all of our websites are safe and sound. So, do not worry about that.

Unauthenticated vulnerabilities are bad. This one in particular had an issue that allowed any unauthenticated visitor to gain administrator level access. That’s really no good.

LiteSpeed Cache is a popular plugin for WordPress. It helps with the performance of your website. But its not CU*Answers Web Services’ preferred caching plugin. We use WP-SuperCache on nearly all of our websites (it’s one of our required plugins for your website.)

However, we did find a couple of websites that had LiteSpeed Cache installed but not activated. The good news is our automated infrastructure, which updates WordPress and plugins every Sunday night had already updated these plugins to secured versions a few weeks ago.

So, like I said. Everything is safe and sound. And rest assured, CU*Answers Web Services is committed to the security and performance of our websites.