Google Analytics 4 Beginners Guide

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Next summer, Google will be discontinuing the current incarnation of Google Analytics, called Universal Analytics, and replacing it with Google Analytics 4 (GA4).  Since there is no migration path from Google to keep your historical analytics, CU*Answers Web Services set up GA4 collection for all the sites we currently have access to.  This is intended to give you at least some runway of historical stats before the cut off.

GA4 is different than the Universal Analytics you might be used to.  We came across this Beginners Guide at Search Engine Journal with some introductory content.  Note, you can skip the whole Google Tag Manager installation steps as CU*Answers Web Services does not use GTM.

If CU*Answers Web Services is not hosting your site, or you have not provided us access to your Google Analytics, you should prepare for this change next year.  Please note, this requires setting up GA4 account at Google and also getting this new code snippet on your website.  CU*Answers Web Services only made changes to sites where we have access to both of those items.